Submission Guidelines
Please submit up to five pieces at a time to hcmsubmissions@miamioh.edu. This can be anything—art, photography, poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction, comics, and more. You can keep submitting until we accept up to five pieces for the upcoming volume.
We will send an email confirmation within a few days of submission. We may have to hold onto work beyond the submission period, but we'll let you know if this needs to happen.
Our deadline for submissions is February 7th, 2025 at 11:59 pm!
Please submit all pieces to hcmsubmissions@miamioh.edu.
In the subject line, include the word "Submission" so we can see your work!
Attach individual works separately and make sure your name doesn't appear anywhere on your work. We accept .docx, Google Docs, JPGs, and PNGs — not PDFs. If you want the piece to have a title in print, name the Google Doc/JPG/etc!
In the body of your email, please include:
First & last name​
Academic year
Submission type (painting, music, short story, etc).
If you've submitted the same piece to other places, that's cool with us. However, if those other places accept it, please tell us. We can only accept your piece if we're the first to publish it.